The Hope of Living Water

by: Kevin and Amy Lillestrand

Members at Pennington Park Church

*The Pennington Park Church 2020 Christmas Offering is going towards Filter of Hope. The story below expounds upon what Filter of Hope does across the globe  – “bringing clean water and Christ’s love to those in desperate need of both”.

The Cuban woman who opened her door had tears streaming down her face. We learned that she (Kairen) had just received a text that her sister had miscarried her baby. One of the women on our team had also gone through a miscarriage. She was able to share her story and comfort this woman in her sorrow. After praying for Kairen and her sister, she showed us the text she had sent her sister when we first arrived that read “Dios esta aqui” or “God is here.”

Our main purpose for being in Cuba was to bless families with a water filter and to tell them about the love of Jesus. After setting up and demonstrating the water filter we asked Kairen if we could share something with her that we felt would bless her even more than the water filter . . . which she thought was absolutely amazing. No more boiling water everyday!

This opened up the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus with Kairen and she readily prayed to invite Jesus into her life. Shortly after she began to tell us about her mother who is a medium in the Santeria faith. Santeria is a combination of Catholicism and African Spiritism that was brought to Cuba via slavery. She went on to tell us that her mother had been praying “comforting” spirits into her house.

Just that week she said water began to run in the bathroom sink without anyone having turned it on. While turning it off, she heard water beginning to run on its own in the kitchen sink. In that moment she said a coldness and fear came over her. The Cuban pastor in our group asked us to gather around Kairen and to pray for her.

As we prayed for Kairen she began to tremble and fell prostrate weeping on the floor. We prayed that the light of Jesus would overwhelm her house and cast out all darkness and fear. After we prayed for an extended period of time she stood up in her right mind and said, “I feel free.” In John 12:46 Jesus says, “I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.”


Would you please join with us in praying that Kairen would take steps of faith to attend the local church we partner with in her community? Pray also that she would continue to experience freedom from darkness and fear. We are so grateful for your faithful partnership with us in helping to bring the light of the gospel to places like Cuba.