The Word

June 30, 2024


  • John highlights different aspects of who Jesus is throughout his gospel. In Chapter 7 we see Jesus as the Living Water. This sermon series reminds us how thirsty our souls are and the unique and lasting way Jesus quenches them as the true Living Water.
  • God desires not only to save us but to transform us into the image of Christ. We all want real, powerful, spiritual transformation in our lives but sometimes are not always sure how to experience it. Sometimes we experience it but it doesn’t seem to last. This sermon series will look at not only common problems that can hinder our transformation but also how to practically experience gospel-empowered transformation that results in true life change.
  • Who is Jesus? This question is the most important one a person could ask in their entire existence, and the answer calls us to respond. Jesus is more than a wise teacher, a spiritual guru, or a prophet of God.  He is Lord and Savior, and the Gospel of John has been written not just so that we may know but so that we may believe.  Download our Lent Reading Guide and feast on The Bread of Life who satisfies our deepest needs. 
  • Who is Jesus? This question is the most important one a person could ask in their entire existence, and the answer calls us to respond. Jesus is more than a wise teacher, a spiritual guru, or a prophet of God.  He is Lord and Savior, and the Gospel of John has been written not just so that we may know but so that we may believe.  Download our Advent Guide throughout the month of December as we look at John 2:23-4:45.
  • Who is Jesus? This question is the most important one a person could ask in their entire existence, and the answer calls us to respond. Jesus is more than a wise teacher, a spiritual guru, or a prophet of God.  He is Lord and Savior, and the Gospel of John has been written not just so that we may know but so that we may believe.
  • Desperation clarifies our position before our Holy God. It emphasizes our daily need for Him and opens the door to an intense season of spiritual growth. During the month of August, we will unpack the topic of desperation as we seek to cultivate more dependence on the Lord through all seasons of life.
  • Is God defined by His attributes? Yes, and no. Is He the sum of His attributes we will talk about? No. Is God, God? Yes. However, God is not defined by His attributes. He defines His attributes. God is wholly what He is, but we could never exhaustively explain all that He is.
  • How do you know that you truly love God and are saved? Having assurance of your faith may be something that comes easily; but for many of us, at one time or another, there is doubt. Join us for an eight-week series as we look at 1 John and tackle what it means to be sure of our faith.
  • Why do you believe what you believe? Are you afraid of people asking you? Join us as we look at texts that address common reasons many, including us, doubt, and how the answer to all our questions hangs on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • Explore the key elements to gospel movements and think about how they apply to our church. 
  • What does it mean that God is with us? Join us as we explore this question and anticipate Christmas this Advent season. 
  • Join us as we look at the purpose of corporate worship in a three-week series.
  • In the Scandalous Grace series we will unpack the fascinating and vivid book of Hosea. We'll see parallels with our own idolatry and adulterous ways and learn to be a faithful people who joyfully rest in the scandalous grace of God through the power of the Spirit. 
  • This series will focus on our mission and strategy as a church. We want to equip you to take your next steps to belong, grow, and multiply, as we follow Jesus together.
  • Join us as we look at various encounters Jesus had with people from all walks of life to see how he dealt with them with both conviction and compassion.
  • Join us as we unpack All In: Making our Passion Practical. We will tackle issues such as stewardship, generosity, time, and money as we look at what it means to live out these areas as Christ followers.
  • What does the incarnation mean for us today? Why does it matter? Join us for a 4-week sermon series that takes us through Advent. 
  • Join us as we explore what it means to live in exile and how to persevere in suffering. 
  • Join us for a four-week series where we'll answer the question, "Why do we believe the Bible?" We'll look at four specific characteristics of the Word of God designed to draw us into the big-picture story of redemptive history and into a relationship with its Author.
  • In this series, we'll hear about how to grow in our walk with Christ in the midst of obstacles that life presents.
  • Everyone asks questions related to heaven and nearly everyone has a theory about what it will be like or an answer to the question being posed. While this series won't answer all of your questions, we will answer the question, “What does the Bible say about heaven?” As we answer that question, we also hope to show why thinking about our future in heaven is so important for living in the world today.
  • In this series, we'll look at the biblical basis for sharing and preaching the Word, talk about the promises Jesus makes to believers who boldly share their faith with others, and think about why a culture of discipleship is important for the health of our church and the spread of the gospel. 
  • This series focuses on the topic of lament in a study of selected texts from the book of Lamentations. Lamentations emphasizes God's justice in judging and punishing when there is no repentance, as well as His patience in waiting to execute such justice. This series looks at both personal and corporate lament in an attempt to give language to individuals and groups enduring pain and suffering.